Thursday, May 27, 2010

College Math Teacher Rule

Not all students will like you. (And if they do all like you, you're probably doing something wrong.) If a student is not coming to class regularly, chances are they don't like you. And if you don't want them writing a bad comment on your class evaluations, don't tell the whole class which day class evaluations are and that there is extra credit that day. They will come and write you a bad evaluation. Lesson learned for me.

"Instructor is incapable of connecting with students . . . to the point where I stopped going to class to maintain better grades." Maybe I had a bad day one day (like when I couldn't hear due to an ear infection) and if you kept going to class you would have done better in the class. Or maybe I just can't take criticism. At least I got these contrasting reviews, "Very systematic I always knew exactly what I had to do and how I was doing." and "Great teacher and class."


Luxi said...

I completely understand you feel. I got really bad comments: "Luxi is very difficult to understand, and I felt bad for her all through the semester. I also feel bad for her because I was for the most part unable to ask questions". I think I was just trying to be a nice person telling everyone to come to class for evaluation, but I was really disappointed when I got the comments. I don't think I am that bad, and I spent tons of times helping students individually and in group session--it is so not fair to say he's not able to ask questions. I think I am fine right now--you cannot please everyone. Hope you are happy right now. Have fun back to Arizona!

Ben said...

Yeah, offering extra credit on eval day does sounds a bit risky, and surely skews the results a bit. I like the "systematic" comment, seems fitting. :)