Saturday, March 13, 2010


I have never liked mushrooms. Even now that I have grown out of my bland teenage tastes, I still don't like mushrooms. While I can usually handle eating a few, too many of those slimy, squishy objects do not make my mouth happy. However, a few weeks ago, I ate a fresh salad with mushrooms in it. They were fresh, white, and thinly sliced mushrooms, and guess what? I liked them! I'm not going to go nearly as far as saying they're my favorite food or start adding them to salad on my own, but this in itself is a victory for me. I ate a mushroom and liked it! Since then, I've eaten a pasta with fresh mushrooms, and a chicken carbonara sandwich from Quiznos with mushrooms. Each time, the mushrooms did not bother me (and maybe I even half enjoyed them). I've figured out the reason I've never liked them: the texture. All of the mushrooms I've eaten in the past have been slimy and squishy---a terrible texture. These fresh mushrooms have a much better texture. I think I prefer thinly sliced.

Also, I bought green and yellow peppers for the first time ever a couple of days ago. I've never liked those either, but I think I'm getting used to them. I had some fajitas last week, and I quite enjoyed them. I've discovered that after you cook the peppers, they actually have quite a nice flavor. Verdict: mushrooms should always be fresh, peppers should always be cooked. Tomorrow, I'm planning to make up my own recipe: pasta with ground turkey in a white grape juice garlic sauce with peppers, artichokes, and sun-dried tomatoes. Wish me luck that the combination isn't terrible.


Jackijo said...

What and adventurous cook you have become! Let us know how it tastes.

Ben said...

That's very progressive of you, I'm impressed! I also grew up "not liking" most vegetables like that, including mushrooms, bell peppers, olives, but in the last few years I've come to enjoy most of them - Nature provides an abundance of flavor and enjoyment, does it not! And it's healthy stuff, so you can't lose. Mode of preparation certainly matters - I also like cooked bell peppers, but I've found that they can be great raw when mixed with other things on a salad, sandwich, or even say a taco. Like chemistry, it's all about the combinations.

I mostly agree with your take on mushrooms. They're pretty good but sometimes they get too slimy. I read though that when raw they have a few potential carcinogens, so I wouldn't recommend any megadoses. ;)

More info here: