Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sewing Project #2: Decorative Pillowcase

I found some cute fabric at the fabric store which I purchased to match my bedsheets. Here's a tip of advice: the color of something in your head isn't always accurate. So, the pillow doesn't match, but oh well! It's cute. Plus, it worked quite well as a sleeping pillow on the airplane. Even though it's supposed to be a decorative pillow, I don't care. It's my new airplane pillow. I finished sewing the buttons while flying on an airplane, so it fits.

I made this pillow with the fancy Bernina machine at the store. I think I like my machine better than the bernina, except that my machine isn't heavy duty. I guess I'll have to save the heavy fabrics for a more heavy duty machine. The pillow is complete with a center focus fabric surrounded by a border, and the back has both fabrics with buttons to connect them. Plus, I discovered a neat furniture store with cheap pillows (without the case).

1 comment:

Ben said...

Your sheet matches the blog header, but the pillow does not. Too bad you didn't remember the blog header's color accurately when you were in the fabric store, that might have prevented any issues.